What a Temporal Lobe Seizure Feels Like

Let me take you down a 30-second rabbit-hole no one wants to find.

Mina Azaria
3 min readApr 9, 2020
Carolina Heza via Unsplash

An intense pang of yearning homesickness for a time or a place you don't even know.

The faintly buzzing static sensation of a bone-dry atmosphere, deep inside your skull.

Like two polarized magnets inside your head— North and South. You try to push them together. Really put your mind to it until you wince.

You feel the need for something to click back into place. But the North and South continue to repel each other despite your best efforts.

You squirm with frustration — how can you put the pieces back together?

And you feel your mind gently break away in chunks.

Like old teeth, pieces seem to fall carelessly…

The burning in your nose and throat, that spreads throughout your cranium.

An intense and overwhelming bout of déjà-vu: You’ve been here before. Heard that before. Seen, smelled, tasted and experienced that before.

But you haven’t?

But wait, you have.

In a dream you had once but barely recall.

Was that a dream you had last night — or last year? Or maybe, you were a child when you had it! Why has it come back to you right now? And so intensely?

You can’t be sure.

The blood drains from your face and a shiver creeps down your spine.

Something terrible is about to happen.

Your heart races. Flutters nervously like your knees as they buckle under you. Your body heats up and you feel a thunder tremor throughout your very core. So deep, it goes beyond your organs and bones.

But suddenly you’re freezing.

So much so that you’re shivering.

Panic sets in: You’re going to throw up.

But then you don’t.

The burning and churning continue as a faint hum in your ears.

That’s right — all your sensations seem to merge now. What you hear, you also taste, smell, and feel intensely from your forehead all the way down to your throat.

It’s burning, metallic, somehow alien. Unwelcome in the usually warm and familiar embrace of your body.

It bleeds down into your chest. And then your stomach. The imposter.

That dream you had last night, or last year, a vivid image in your mind’s eye.

So powerful, isn't it? So resonant?

Maybe the most terrifying and yet most impressive dream you’ve ever had. How had you forgotten until now?

You must remember it this time.

Mustn't let it fade away again. Your entire life should revolve around it, it’s so important. That message, so clear.

Ah, life is so mysterious and frightening.

But wait… what was the dream about again?

You didn't even have a dream.

Wait… what?

The flurry of sensations begins to fade away from you like the humming of a gong. It hums and hums. Almost like a soft ringing that gradually shifts out of focus.

You forget your train of thought completely.

But why do you feel so empty? So sad?

Your head pounds. You still feel sick to your stomach.

You’re not the same person that you were, just 30 seconds ago.

